Financial Capacity of the Carrier

Financial capacity is demonstrated by road carriers using heavy vehicles* for the proper start-up and administration of their undertaking so that the undertaking is always able to meet its financial obligations during the annual accounting period.


*It is a large vehicle
a)  a vehicle or a combination of vehicles with the largest permitted weight exceeding 2.5 tons and not exceeding 3.5 tons intended for the transport of animals or goods, if they are used for international road transport or domestic road transport on the territory of a state in which the carrier does not have its registered office,
b)  a vehicle or vehicle with a maximum permitted weight exceeding 3.5 tons intended for the transport of animals or goods, or
c)  a vehicle intended for the transport of more than 9 persons, including the driver.
§ 2 paragraph 14 of the Road Transport Act (15)

One of the ways of proving financial capacity is an insurance agreement concluded between the carrier and Slavia pojišťovna a.s.

Insurance can be arranged for the whole amount required by the legislation or for the amount the carrier lacks for proving financial capacity. The minimum sum insured to take out insurance is 10,000 CZK.

Are you ready to get your new insurance?

(Assistance for new insurance only!)

Zavolejte Leave your phone number.

We’ll call you soon.

On working days 8:00 – 18:00



    This form does not serve as support for your ongoing insurance nor for any information about current progress of your claim.

    Thank you!
    We will get back to you soon
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